ACANTHITE with NATIVE SILVER - Colquechaca, Bolivia

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Dimensions8.8 x 6.3 x 2.9 cm
This fine cabinet specimen of jet black Acanthite, very richly coated and pervaded with wire Native Silver, is from Colquechaca in the Potos' Department of Bolivia. This old mine was first worked during Spanish colonial times for its silver and remains in operation to this day. The Acanthite, a low temperature silver sulphide, forms a porous spongy mass with a micro hackly texture. Its surface is richly covered with curled wires of Native Silver, some of which remains a natural silver colour whereas the majority are tarnished steel blue to black and in some patches, copper bronze. Wires can easily exceed 1 cm in length and form complex curled habits across the specimen's surface. Whoever acquires this specimen, do look at it carefully before handing so as not to crush many of the dense clusters of Native Silver wires.