A thin, but solid, crystallized aggregate of Campylite - the unique variety of Mimetite found at Dry Gill mine in the Caldbeck Fells, Cumbria, England. This small cabinet specimen displays the classic barrel-shaped form of the crystals and has a wonderful, glossy, deep orange colour with yellowish centres. Unusually, many of the barrel-shaped crystals have grown together to form larger rounded aggregates. There are several areas of contact damage, some noticably so, but this specimen has wonderful detail and a hefty feel to it, and displays very well. The individual Campylite crystals reach 5 mm across, but most are slightly smaller. A single, white blade of Baryte, 1.3 cm in length, can be seen embedded within the Campylite. Overall, the quality suggests that this specimen probably came from the underground workings rather than surface outcrop.