Oberschlema, Schlema, Schlema-Hartenstein District, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany
Dimensions3.7 x 4.2 x 2.2 cm
An interesting combination of Rammelsbergite with Erythrite and Stephanite from Medenec in the Kru'n' Hory Mountains of Bohemia, Czech Republic. The Rammelsbergite, a nickel arsenide, forms a roughly 4 x 2 cm dendritic porous mass of crystals, each averaging 1 mm, all of mid to light grey tin white with a micro-hackly texture. The Rammelsbergite stands on a matrix of glassy Calcite forming a mound of tiny crystals at the front and a thin plate across the back. A few individual spherules of crystallised bubble gum pink Erythrite are dusted over the specimen and along the interface between the Calcite and Rammelsbergite sit several small clusters of well-developed Stephanite crystals. This small miniature is mounted vertically on a clear, colourless acrylic base.