Quartz on Malachite and Chrysocolla - Peru

No, this is not cuprite! - EarthWonders Newsletter #7

Dimensions5.2 x 4.3 x 4.2 cm
This Quartz-Malachite-Chrysocolla small cabinet combo specimen is truly as gorgeous as it looks. Transparent, sparkling, drusy Quartz crystals completely cover a large, 2 cm botryoid of green Malachite and layers of powder-blue Chrysocolla. The scintillating, drusy Quartz crystals are transparent and the druse itself is about three millimeters thick and only slightly subdues the intensity of the dark green Malachite underneath and enhances the visual appeal of the underlying Chrysocolla! The Quartz coated Malachite adds three-dimensionality to the piece as does the slightly mounded character of the drusy Quartz. It's a very colorful piece with dark green Malachite, Quartz with underlying powder-blue Chrysocolla and a mottled pale blue-green and brick-red matrix! Deposits in this area became exhausted in the early 2000s ending the supply of these specimens in quantity, but smaller artisanal production continues here and in claims nearby. These are unique in all the world, and truly stand out in a showcase.