Apophyllite with Celadonite Inclusions - Jalgaon District, India

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Dimensions5.2 x 4.8 x 4.7 cm
Celadonite inclusions are dense within this blocky, nicely formed, complex Apophyllite multi-crystal from India. This is one of the most highly included pieces we've seen and it exhibits a saturated, dark forest green from the copious amount of Celadonite within. Celadonite is a potassium-magnesium-iron (ferrous and ferric) layer silicate of the Mica Group. The robust parent Apophyllite crystal that hosts the Celadonite inclusions is actually a series of tightly intergrown, larger crystals accompanied by numerous smaller Apophyllite crystals that are clustered on some of the faces or along the intersection of the larger Apophyllite crystals creating a very geometric and artistic complex arrangement! The piece is almost a floater excepting the sliver of matrix the Apophyllite must have grown on. An incredibly interesting and attractive piece!