Rhodonite - San Martin Mine, Mexico

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Dimensions7.0 x 5.3 x 3.8 cm
Prior to 1991, fine Rhodonite specimens were known from only Franklin, New Jersey and Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia. The style of these Rhodonites recovered from Chiurucu in the early 1990s is of a completely different and more attractive style than than the old classics. Rhodonites from Chiurucu, like this one, are composed of rich, translucent pink crystals in bladed, parallel or subparallel groups reaching 1.5 cm in length! The luster and translucence is excellent, and the crystals exhibit an intense and robust hot pink color that only came out in this first major find of 1990-1991. Later finds here, of which there were several in the 90s and again in the early 2000s, were of a paler color, smaller crystal size, and less luster. This is a significant small cabinet piece from the most significant find of this mine, now 30 years gone. This is an excellent piece with nearly pristine condition (only minor contacting at the bottom edge of the piece). It has robust, bright color that is hard to show in a photo, as the light goes into a bit for translucency effects. This 1990s material is superior in color, in large specimens like this, to what came later in a few other pockets.