Herkimer Diamond Barbell Scepter - Treasure Mountain Diamond Mine, USA

No, this is not cuprite! - EarthWonders Newsletter #7

ColorsColorless, Black
Dimensions5.2 x 1.9 x 1.7 cm
Repairs/Modifications1 professional repair on stem


Treasure Mountain, Little Falls, Herkimer Co., New York


*one professional repair

Rare growth habit of "Herkimer Diamonds", called a "barbell scepter". The area in Herkimer County, New York known as Little Falls has diamond style quartz with carbon and anthraxolite inclusions. Anthraxolite is a graphitic coal, black often lustrous that has various forms including rods. The primary growth of this specimen was a heavily included quartz. the secondary growth was two glassy lightly included, diamond style quartz. One on each end, giving the specimen an appearance resembling a barbell. There is a well defined separation of the two scepters. This Barbell scepter was discovered separated. Luckily both pieces clicked together perfectly, in the manner that they naturally grew. They were professionally reconstructed to the natural form. The repair was done so well and the click was so tight, that I was only able to find it using a UV lamp.

Comes with a small hexagonal, resin cast base and a laminated identification card

Known provenanceKnowing where your specimen comes from and who owned it adds to its story and value. Good provenance helps prove it's authentic and preserves important details about its discovery.
Pennsylvania, USA
Listed for $1,500.00 on

Unknown previous owners

