Azurite, Milpillas Mine, Cuitaca, Santa Cruz Municipality, Sonora, Mexico
Measures: 8 cm tall x 7.5 cm wide
This Azurite was found in the most important pocket, the Electric Blue Pocket. Azurites from this unique discovery exhibit a rare and desirable effect known as adularescence. This phenomenon comes from a thin transparent layer of azurite over malachite on every face where light reflects, shimmers, and shifts, creating a greenish blue glow. These azurites defy comparison.
Now that the Milpillas Mine has closed, and will never reopen, we can more easily assess what it has produced and how it has changed the landscape of its most famous species; azurite. Milpillas azurites have an inner glow, a magical electrifying blue color that spontaneously tells the viewer that you are looking upon something truly extraordinary. We will look back upon this as a singular lifetime experience to have witnessed the world’s finest azurite specimens as they were freshly removed from the earth. Milpillas will be spoken of by all future generations of collectors as the mine that produced the world’s most vivid and spectacular azurites.