One of Spain's more modern sources of excellent Pyromorphite is the splendidly named Resuperferolitica mine in C'rdoba province, Andalusia, Spain. In terms of general geography, this region is in the centre of southern Spain. Greenish mustard-yellow hexagonal prisms of Pyromorphite of 0.8 to 1.5 cm long entirely cover a hidden domed matrix of dense, porous, spongy white Quartz, the structure and texture of which can be seen in the base. Similar, but much smaller Pyromorphite crystals, form a circumferential ring around the edge of the base and the mound of large crystals. Individual prisms tend to be parallel-sided, built from smaller crystals into a single compound prism, with glassy lustrous faces and matt pinacoid terminations. This is a wonderful cabinet specimen of Pyromorphite from Resuperferolitica, without doubt of museum quality.