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Outokumpu, Eastern Finland Region, Finland
Dimensions5.5 x 3.0 x 2.0 cm

A really beautiful large miniature specimen of the much sought after green chromium-bearing Garnet, Uvarovite, from the classic locality at Outokumpu in the Eastern Region of Finland. Two large, rich, deep nickel green, translucent to opaque well-formed crystals of this uncommon Garnet are present. One, at the end of the specimen, is a partial crystal, with the rear missing, but is still sharply formed, deep green, lustrous, and nearly 1 cm across. The second, is really special. Measuring over 1.3 cm across, it is a wonderful example of Garnet crystal form, and is the most intense vibrant deep green colour. The display surfaces are almost immaculate, save for the slightest of damage on the crystal edge going around to the back of the specimen, and the rear of the crystal is missing but this does not detract from its display. A lovely, display quality specimen of this sought after chromium-bearing Garnet.