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Dimensions12.0 x 12.6 x 5.3 cm
This cabinet-sized display specimen of Manganocalcite from Pachapaqui District, Bolognesi Province, Ancash Department, Peru is extremely showy and full of character. Manganocalcite is one of those species that because it falls between Calcite and Rhodochrosite tends to get overlooked, but can, as ably demonstrated here, form the most beautiful of specimens. The Pachapaqui District is a well-known source of fine Manganocalcite specimens most of which were collected pre-2000 but specific mine details were never disclosed. The Manganocalcite crystals here form long (up to 3.5 cm in length) tight bunches of pale pastel pink acicular to bladed crystals dispersed across 70 % of the surface of Bournonite and Sphalerite with small prismatic Milky Quartz crystals. It is not only very large and displayable, but is a really fine colour for these sheaf-like aggregates that were more commonly paler pink and quite washed out. A really eye catching Peruvian specimen.
Known provenanceKnowing where your specimen comes from and who owned it adds to its story and value. Good provenance helps prove it's authentic and preserves important details about its discovery.
Tucson, Arizona, USA

Unknown previous owners

