Peru is renowned for its superb Pyrites and this is a classic cluster that simply stuns the viewer with crystalline geometry, aside from any association. These are perfect modified pyritohedrons with an in-your-face presentation that really draws the eye to the complex crystal faces with a bright, brassy yellow color and metallic luster on super sharp edges and striated faces. These remarkably beautiful Pyrites of this style are from older finds. The large crystal at the top measures 4.6 cm in its longest dimension and the others on the piece are from 1 to 2 cm in size. The piece has exceptional aesthetics and presentation. This locality along with the Racracancha and Cerro de Pasco mines have produced some of the best Pyrite crystals extant. The crystals are all essentially pristine on the display face, with minor contacting and edge wear around the periphery. An old classic from the Chet Lemanski collection.