A colorful and well composed pegmatite combination specimen from Brazil! A robust, bright blue-green, well-formed Amazonite crystal is complemented by a starkly contrasting group of bladed, white Albite crystals. The blocky and bright medium green Amazonite crystal measures 6 x 4.4 x 3.7 cm and complex interesting patterning (Dr. Tom Campbell, our staff mineralogist, adds: It displays the perthitic, lamellar intergrowth of the host Microcline and exsolved Albite lamellae in textbook form) - making for a beautiful variegated green and white lined crystal. It is accented by a cluster of four, translucent white, almost opalescent Albite blades that measure 3.5 cm in length 2.5 cm in width with steep, chisel-point terminations. It's a well-balanced piece with great color contrast, and a rare crystal from this locale!