This is an incredibly aesthetic Prehnite from Goboboseb and from Charlie Key's personal Prehnite collection. It presents a lustrous, complete, radial Prehnite group that is highlighted at the base by a partial collar of small, glassy, colorless to white Quartz crystals. The nearly symmetrical, sea-foam green Prehnite hemisphere measures 4.2 cm across and is composed of numerous, 2 cm, radial divergent, bladed crystals that pinwheel from a common center point that reflect any incident light as you rotate the piece! Stunning luster on this specimen sets it apart from others. These Prehnites are mined (not without difficulty) from cavities in pillow basalts in the Goboboseb area, more specifically an are known as Copper Valley. Super attractive! It is from the personal collection of the legendary dealer who really opened up Africa and literally was regarded as the top dealer and collector coming out of Africa for decades. He sourced it there himself, from his home in Swakopmund.
Known provenanceKnowing where your specimen comes from and who owned it adds to its story and value. Good provenance helps prove it's authentic and preserves important details about its discovery.