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Příbram District, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic
Dimensions6.5 x 5.1 x 4.0 cm
This most unusual large miniature is a pseudomorph of Native Silver replacing the silver antimonide Dyscrasite. It is from the ancient mining district of P?'bram in the Czech Republic and massive snow-white Calcite out of which the specimen will have been etched. The Calcite is essentially throughout the specimen's base, infilling between the lowermost branches of Native Silver. The pseudomorphs clearly show-off the former Dyscrasite crystals and is rich in them, with replaced crystals ranging between 1 and 2.5 cm tall. Where exposed, the Native Silver is a reddish-copper silver and where tarnished, has a dull bronze patina. The pseudomorphs tend to be quite sharp and spiky with a hackly metallic texture. An excellent small cabinet specimen of Native Silver after Dyscrasite.