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Krupskoye dep.(Tokovoi priisk), Malyshevo, Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovskaya Oblast', Middle Urals, Russia
Dimensions6.0 x 8.3 x 5.9 cm
Translucent to semi-transparent crystals of bluish-green Beryl of the variety Emerald richly pervade a sharply contrasting matrix of sparkling black Biotite schist from the classic Krupskoye deposit at Malyshevo, in the Middle Urals of Russia. The Emerald crystals vary in size and habit, the most predominant crystal measuring 2 cm long by 1.5 cm diameter. Numerous other good crystals cover the specimen and on the reverse side, a 6 x 3 cm fan-like spray of flattened, hexagonal crystals almost cover the specimen. Many of the crystals are terminated and all display subtle and interesting variations in their shades of emerald green. A beautiful cluster of Emerald crystals from the famous Krupskoye deposit.