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Dimensions3.2 x 3.4 x 1.8 cm
A stunning small miniature of Pyromorphite and of somewhat unusual habit, from the Daoping Mine in Gongcheng County, Guilin Prefecture, China. An off-matrix floater of highly lustrous, electric oily-lime green crystals which form polysynthetic prismatic crystals with deep hopper development and hollow terminations. Daoping mine exploits a hydrothermal lead-zinc deposit hosted in Devonian carbonate and clastic sediments that have been intruded with granite bodies and dykes. The crystals are intergrown, but in parallel alignment and are highlighted by gradations in colour at crystal edges to a slightly more yellow-green. A superb Pyromorphite from Daoping which holds its own in both aesthetic and habit.
Known provenanceKnowing where your specimen comes from and who owned it adds to its story and value. Good provenance helps prove it's authentic and preserves important details about its discovery.
Tucson, Arizona, USA

Unknown previous owners

