This amazing cabinet specimen is one of the richest in Gartrellites I have ever seen, not to mention the superb Malachite pseudomorphs and scattering of Azurite crystals. An 11.2 x 8.6 cm bed of emerald green Malachite after sharp blocky Azurite crystals has a rich 8 x 2 cm encrustation of bright pistachio green Gartrellite, a lead-copper-iron phosphate, across the top surface with the base entirely encrusted in this rare mineral. The Malachite forms excellent stubby pseudomorphs to typically 1 cm long in a jumbled coverage across the specimen. Glassy, bright blue Azurite crystals up to about 5 mm are scattered over both the Malachite and Gartrellite adding an aesthetic sparkle. A really fabulous Malachite pseudomorphing after Azurite with Gartrellite and Azurite from where else but Tsumeb!