An incredible sharp Cumengeite of superior quality from the famous Amelia Mine of Baja California, Mexico from the 1970s finds here after Bill Larson and Ed Swoboda rediscovered the 1890's-era locality. It is a sharp, nearly complete floater with the only point of attachment on the bottom where it is mounted on a thin acrylic pedestal showing off five complete points, of the six possible, making it almost look like naval mine. This geometric group is a lustrous, rich indigo-blue measuring 1.2 cm across at the widest. Cumengeite is an extremely rare hydrated lead-copper chloride hydroxide species and this is from the type locality, as well as the best locality in the world for the species. This specimen has 5 sharp points, all sides and the top, and sits perched on the bottom stub. It is complete all around and unusually lustrous and perfect!