This gem fluorite highlights a really intricate combination piece from the less well-known Emilio Mine of Asturias, Spain (less well known compared to the larger and more purple crystals from La Cabana area, that is). Glassy and transparent, these colorless Fluorites to 1.5 cm sit nestled among Calcite scalenohedron, which themselves range up to 2.2 cm. The tabular, blocky Fluorites are so gemmy that from certain angles you have to make the effort to actually see them! Under UV light, the glowing, blue Fluorites stand out among the 'mountainous', pinkish-red Calcites, and the contrast in form and color creates a remarkable aesthetic. This is a fine example of the species and locality and just an exquisite, complete all around mineral specimen regardless of species or location.
Known provenanceKnowing where your specimen comes from and who owned it adds to its story and value. Good provenance helps prove it's authentic and preserves important details about its discovery.