SZENICSITE with Cuprian POWELLITE - Chile, Atacama

No, this is not cuprite! - EarthWonders Newsletter #7

Dimensions5.6 x 4.0 x 2.7 cm
A fine miniature specimen of this extremely rare copper molybdate hydroxide species discovered in 1993 and never repeated anywhere else. Indeed, at the Type Locality in Jardinera No. 1 mine, the mineral was claimed to have been found in just one, 1 m cubed area, around which the geochemistry changed rapidly. This one-off find was initially recorded as "Tierra Amarilla" which is what was recorded on the previous collectors label, but this is now known to have been Jardinera No. 1 mine. The Szenicsite on this specimen forms classic coarse platy crystals, both terminated and compact masses displaying the classic vibrant green colour, silky lustre and sectile, scaly texture. These crystals reach 1.6 cm in length. Pale yellow-green waxy Cuprian Powellite occurs in association as well-formed pyramidal microcrystals. It is from the superb systematic collection assembled by the brothers Martin and Michael Günther (1951-2007 & 1956-2021).