Dimensions4.8 x 9.7 x 4.5 cm
This small cabinet specimen is quite sculptural in its form. Tae Hwa mine in South Korea is best known for its superb crystals of Scheelite - calcium tungstate. Many fine large pyramidal crystals were produced, particularly during the 1970s, but often not on matrix. This unusual specimen might have smaller Scheelite crystals but they have the wonderful darker violet-brown colour so typical of the mine and it is wonderful to see their association with other species - in this case Quartz, Siderite and Chalcopyrite. The Scheelite crystals form a dense, glossy aggregate on one side of the specimen, with individual octahedral crystals reaching over 1.2 cm across. There is damage to the tip of one of the larger crystals and others around the periphery, but this does not overly detract from the dramatic appearance alongside the 9 cm tall, unusual tapered Quartz crystal. Classic, old-time material.