NATIVE BISMUTH - Tazna Mine (Tasna Mine; Tazna-Rosario Mine), Bolivia

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ColorsGrey, Silver
Dimensions9.6 x 6.5 x 4.0 cm
The Tazna mine, Atocha-Quechisla District, Nor Chichas Province, Potosí Department, Bolivia has, in the past few decades, produced some world-class specimens of Native Bismuth, but how easily were they recovered? The mine, and indeed local town, are situated at an altitude of over 4,200 metres - almost a high as Europe's highest mountain, Mont Blanc. Added to this the road network is poor and the average daily temperature is just a few degrees above freezing. The beauty of the Tazna mine Native Bismuth's is the unusual polysynthetic growth displayed and this cabinet specimen is a great example. Weighing in at a little under a kilogram in weight, this is a substantial Native Bismuth specimen from an important find.