The Madan Ore Field in the Rhodope Mountains of Bulgaria is world famous for its superbly crystallised sulphides where species such as Galena and Sphalerite are elevated to new levels. This large cabinet specimen is a remarkably fine example of superbly crystallised Sphalerite developed over a bed of millimetre-scale colourless to milky Quartz crystals, with crystallised Chalcopyrite scattered over the Sphalerite. The Sphalerite forms excellent tetragonal prisms with truncated corners which average 2 to 2.3 cm on edge and although appearing metallic black, held against a strong light, the thinner edges display various shades of green in distinct banded zones. Secondary epitaxial overgrowths of concentric triangular Sphalerite crystals sit on the Sphalerite prism faces. The overall combination of these magnificent crystals, together with the brassy golden Chalcopyrite against milky white Quartz, is outstanding.\n