ColorsSilver, Grey
Dimensions5.7 x 6.3 x 4.0 cm
This is a spectacular open group of superb Bournonite crystals displaying an excellent cogwheel habit, all embedded in a matrix of finely crystallised Freibergite. Things do not get much better when even the matrix is a well crystallised rare sulphosalt! Four major Bournonite crystals dominate the specimen with three of these sitting at the front. Other smaller Bournonite crystals to over 1 cm are distributed throughout the Freibergite. The three main display Bournonites measure approximately 2.2 x 2.2 x 0.7 cm, 2.2 x 1.5 x 1.0 cm and 1.7 x 1.2 x 1.0 cm. All Bournonites are lustrous metallic silver-grey with mirror-flat pinacoid faces and deeply striated/grooved cogwheel prism faces, with some forming interpenetrant pairs. The Freibergite, a complex silver-copper-iron-antimony-arsenic sulphosalt, forms as gunmetal-grey crystals all to about 1 mm across, of which there are many thousand on the specimen. Bournonite is a lead-copper sulphosalt and is classified as a lead-copper antimoniate. A magnificent large miniature, or small cabinet, specimen of Bournonite with Freibergite from Bolivia.
Known provenanceKnowing where your specimen comes from and who owned it adds to its story and value. Good provenance helps prove it's authentic and preserves important details about its discovery.