Dimensions5.5 x 7.2 x 5.4 cm
The Kerch Peninsula, part of the Crimea Peninsula in the Ukraine, is particularly famous for its excellent specimens of the iron phosphate Vivianite. This beautiful large miniature/small cabinet specimen has two main crystalline structures of Vivianite crystals covering a rusty brown limonitic matrix. Its top surface is encrusted with botryoidal bluish-black Vivianite forming hillocky mounds. Over these sit the two crystallised groups, one measuring 4 x 3 cm with upward pointing crystals forming a three-dimensional spray and adjacent to this, a spray forming an inverted cone. Although intensely dark blue-green and hence appearing black, the crystalline structure of the inverted cone flashes electric sapphire blue. A showy and most pleasing Vivianite from the Kerch Peninsula.