Dimensions4.7 x 5.8 x 5.4 cm
There is always something rather pleasing about chunky Topaz crystals and this semi-transparent, pale smoky-blue crystal does not disappoint! This large miniature is just over 5 cm tall and approximately 5 x 4 cm in cross-section. Ex-matrix, the single crystal stands perfectly upright on its naturally flat base and displays a gently curved, multiple-faced termination with a perfect and undamaged apex. Part of the back face of the termination is scooped out, but this appears entirely natural and was likely a point of attachment when in-situ. A delightful, aesthetic, and showy Topaz from Pan-taw in the Mandalay Region of Myanmar.
Known provenanceKnowing where your specimen comes from and who owned it adds to its story and value. Good provenance helps prove it's authentic and preserves important details about its discovery.
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