Dimensions3.7 x 4.9 x 2.6 cm
This ex-matrix, complexly developed Topaz crystal is from the classic Volodarsk-Volynskii granitic chamber pegmatites in Zhytomyr Oblast, Ukraine. Both the termination and all but one prism face is perfect, save for some very minor bruises, and aptly shows-off one the many complex habits Topaz is known for. The outer surface is quite frosted, but where the crystal faces are broken across the base and one face, a fairly gemmy interior is indicated. The overall colour is somewhat complex; held to sunlight, away from direct light and even against a pure white background, the colour is distinctly that of tan-champagne. On peering into the crystal form its base, it is a peachy champagne. This terrific specimen comes with a Lawrence H. Conklin (New York) label.