Adamite from this mine, while once common, is today very rare in good specimens, particularly of larger sizes. This is a bizarre style and the largest such example of it that I have seen, that looks like a green caterpillar crawled into a vug in the rock and curled up to sleep. The adamite, which usually shows minute crystal faces on the surface of radial clusters, here shows as a very round, relatively smooth ball with only the slightest of raised faces making up the surface. It is elegantly nestled in the well-trimmed, gossan matrix. Although unusual in style, I find this piece to be very visually appealing and to stand out, for its odd form, in a case. Ex Martin Zinn collection (from his first collection, which was sold off in 2003). Joe Budd photos.
Known provenanceKnowing where your specimen comes from and who owned it adds to its story and value. Good provenance helps prove it's authentic and preserves important details about its discovery.