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Henderson No. 2 mine, Jamesie, Nord-du-Quebec, Quebec, Canada
Dimensions3.4 x 2.3 x 1.3 cm

Cubanite from these remote and small mining projects in Quebec are, by far, the best of their species for this rare metallic mineral. They came out in the 1970s and early 1980s and there are so very few fine specimens that exist, that are not simply either singles or big blunky ore matrix with embedded crystals. This, by contrast, is a beautiful and floater cluster with color and sparkle, suitable for any suite of important miniatures or species. This fine miniature is a rich, solid cluster, complete all around, featuring crystals to 1.75 cm. Minor calcite is associated, as well, thus proving it was not cleaned with acid and shows a natural patina. From an old collection, and later in the Irv Brown miniatures collection.