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Dimensions3.8 x 3.0 x 2.2 cm

This is a stunning, ghostly white cluster of Whewellite crystals from the Schlema-Hartenstein area of Germany. The large crystal measures 3.8 cm in length and is a classic, textbook twin for the species. The smaller, 3.1 cm, sidecar crystal is probably twinned as well, but less distinct. The color of both crystals is a soft white and is just beautiful and the way they are intergrown is very aesthetic. These are twinned, and look a bit like Morocco cerussite twins, in ghostly white. Crystals such as this from this find were excellent for the species (1970s?). They are almost impossible to find on the market. The textbook crystal form, nearly translucent nature, and beautiful way it displays on the base makes it a very aesthetic and desirable specimen of this calcium oxalate. Comes with an old handwritten German label.
