St. Andreasberg, Harz Mountains, Lower Saxony, Germany
Dimensions2.8 x 1.5 x 1.1 cm
A brilliantly metallic, lustrous, gemmy crystal of 1 cm surmounts this matrix cluster. It is as good a matrix German silver species thumbnail as one could wish. Andreasberg proustites are typically smaller and narrower, and have less luster, than this spectacular display quality, large thumbnail of the related species pyrargyrite. A question arose in my draft update stage as to whether this could be from Freiberg (because it is so darned GOOD for Andreasberg material), and although I admit it is possible, this collection is heavily waited towards specialist Andreasberg material, with no Freiberg pieces present. This update was also previewed by two specialist German collectors of our era, who didn't see a problem with the attribution. Its a killer either way, but I do think at this point one can confidently say it is a pyrargyrite and most likely from Andreasberg along with the rest of the silver species in this update.