Veszelyite with Kipushite - Palabanda quarries, Republic of the Congo

No, this is not cuprite! - EarthWonders Newsletter #7

Veszelyite with Kipushite
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SellerThe ArkenstoneVisit store
ColorsBlue, Black
Dimensions6.8 x 6.6 x 6.2 cm
Veszelyite from this amazing discovery literally shocked the mineral world and produced the most amount of this rare species ever seen in one place! Brought out by Polish dealer Tomek Prazkier, this was one of the best of the best of 2019 finds, held back in his private collection of company projects, at the time they came out. It is rich, huge, and saturated with color. The minor blue-green associated mineral is Kipushite. In person, it is dark but not too dark, and radiates a saturated blue color back at the viewer. Essentially, this is a huge pocket of color, a deeper blue than azurite, and one of the richest well-crystallized examples of the species you will see. Botryoidal rounded material, and large plates with tiny crystals, also came out of China at coincidentally the same time. However, they generally lack the richness and impact of this specimen.
Known provenanceKnowing where your specimen comes from and who owned it adds to its story and value. Good provenance helps prove it's authentic and preserves important details about its discovery.
Richardson, Texas, USA

Unknown previous owners

