Discover 76,000+ incredible mineral crystals
QuartzPopular, transparent, prismatic
CalciteColorful, rhombohedral, highly reflective
FluoriteVibrant, cubic, highly fluorescent
AzuriteDeep blue, copper-rich, vibrant
PyriteMetallic, gold-colored, cubic
MalachiteGreen, banded, copper carbonate
BariteHeavy, tabular, often clear
ApophylliteClear, pyramid-shaped, highly reflective
ScoleciteRadiating, needle-like, white
PyromorphiteGreen-yellow, hexagonal, lead-based
HeliodorKhoroshiv, Volodarsk-Volynskyi, Ukraine
MesoliteIndia, Iceland, and Faroe Islands
RhodochrositeUSA, Argentina, and South Africa
StibniteChina, Japan and Romania
BerylBrazil, Colombia, and Pakistan
ElbaiteBrazil, USA and Afghanistan
DioptaseNamibia, Kazakhstan and Congo
WulfeniteUSA, Mexico, and Congo
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Rare Species
Native Gold: Newest Additions
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This week EarthWonders brings you a new curated category - Rare Species and a spotlight on localities in sunny Mexico including the famous Ojuela Mine. As always, you can read the full version of this newsletter issue in our blog.
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By Alla Babkina7 minutes

NEWSLETTERExclusive Listings, Rubaya Tourmalines, Tanzanite, Peruvian Fluorite | EarthWonders Newsletter #4
By Alla Babkina5 minutes

NEWSLETTERTucson Show And Localities: Elmwood Mine, Erongo Region, Denton Mine | EarthWonders Newsletter #3
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